About Yamanaka Lacquerware

History of Yamanaka Lacquerware
Yamanaka lacquerware, also known as Yamanaka-nuri, is a type of lacquerware with a history of about 400 years, produced in Yamanaka Onsen, Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
In Ishikawa Prefecture, there are three major production areas: "Wajima for lacquering", "Kanazawa for maki-e", and "Yamanaka for Kiji(wooden basis)".
In the 16th century, woodworkers from Echizen migrated to the Yamanaka area and started making wooden basis using a Rokuro(woodturning), which led to the development of the technique of wood grinding that symbolizes Yamanaka lacquerware.
Features of Yamanaka Lacquerware
Yamanaka lacquerware boasts the largest production volume of wooden basis in Japan.
The distinctive feature of Yamanaka lacquerware is that it is made by taking the shape of the bowl in the direction in which the tree grows.
This process produces robust lacquerware that is less prone to warping due to drying.